Dear families,
How would you like to help our school earn money and you don’t have to do anything more than send us your trash? Not sure if you have heard the buzz, but Ada Vista does an amazing job of recycling. We recycle things that not even your local recycling plant will take. The best part, is that when we send the items in, we can actually earn money for our school. You can save up a grocery bag worth of the items and send them in with your child. Another option is to drop the items in the Terracycle box that is located at the front of the school.
Look at that, you can prevent trash from filling the landfills, help us earn money, and help your child learn to care for the Earth all in one step. Below is a list of items that we collect. Feel free to give us your clean trash and we will recycle it for you.
Contact: Sra. Wendy Hillary - [email protected]
Visit www.terracycle.net to learn more about this great Eco-Company.